Here's the story. John writes good songs and has done so for some time. Dave plays guitar in between all night LAN FPS sessions and lays down a riff almost as efficiently as he eliminates a headcrab. Together they made a demo using a drum machine which was good, but lacked punch. The producer of that demo mentioned that he knew a real drummer, one that would speed up, slow down, make mistakes and everything. So he introduced them to me. One 34 minute tribute to Mike Portnoy drum solo later, I was recruited. Dan the producer played bass and we set on course for small local venue domination using the name Heath.
The song you hear on the above video is taken from the one recording we did together, which sadly marked the beginning of the end for Heath. 'Musical differences' arose and the band decided to split up after trying a succession of ill-suited bass players, all ill players, but unsuitable nonetheless. About a year passed and I did a demo of my own involving both John and Dave, along with a bass player I have worked with for years, Steve, known and loved by literally handfuls of church congregations across the region.
For whatever reason, the timing seemed right to put the band together again recently, although that arguably proved untrue because it couldn't have come at a worse time for Dave, who is currently finishing his PHD and updating his blog. Despite that, John and I recruited Steve and began to practice a few weeks ago in preparation for Dave's ceremonious return. When he does, gigs will happen, and we hope big things thereafter. I'm confident, too.

There's only word for that, G: olol (x infinity).
Also: very nice video (which I assume is not up yet because of myspace downage -- power cuts in California so I'm told). I saw it last week. And 'tis awesome. Verily.
I always thought he was Super ;o)
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