'they're waffly versatile' has been more appropriate. Seriously, you could grill them, bake them, fry them AND eat them.
Anyway, Burger King. They rule the fast food world with their King Fries and their massive flame grilled burgers, and now they know how to do a PR campaign too, unlike McDonalds. Apparently, McDonalds put the word out that anyone who wrote a rap about a Big Mac would get a prize or something. And the amount of urban poems submitted? Zero. Paying Pharrell Williams a few million dollars to write you a jingle is one thing, but trying to be all street by getting the kids to rap about your food is...Well, you can fill in the blank.
Burger King's PR company ought to pat themselves on the back for this poster, because despite their flame grilled flavour being basically painted onto their, ahem, beef patties, they taste deee-licious and I want one now. I couldn't care less what they're made of. I'd take an XL Bacon Double Cheeseburger over a Quarter Pounder any day, and you should too, even if you're a vegetarian. Sadly though, Burger King's epicurean dominance doesn't begin until exactly 10.30am Monday to Saturday and 11am on Sunday.
That's because McDonalds stop serving breakfast then. If I was on death row for crimes against, I don't know, fashion or something (let's not get too morose), my last meal request would, I kid you not, be a Double Sausage & Egg McMuffin. Really. I don't think there's a better realised use of offal and grease anywhere in the world.
I've often wondered why McDonalds insist on abandoning their culinary pièce de résistance, as the Japanese say, every morning in favour of food that can only be described as utter filth. I'm not loving it.
So when I read that McDonalds are thinking about serving breakfast all day I nearly McSoiled myself. Goodbye toes.

I've added you to FAVOURITES
In the words of Nelson: Haha!
Love ya Mark
Tom G
I am supposed to be evaluating my advertising campaign, but after 500 words i hit writers block. Poor excuse i know. I couldn't surf the net without being wracked with guilt as i have spent a morning looking at ragdolls. I lie, i didn't wake till 12 so i spent an afternoon looking at ragdolls. I am currently (and constantly) aggravating (persuading)Kev to let me have a kitten. I have made a firm decision on the breed - ragdoll. They are loving, affectionate, playful amd most importantly, love being in the home. We lost Peanut to a taxi so my next cat will only be allowed out under strict supervision. We lost Bertie to a debilitating kidney disease, probably from grappling with mice and other grot rodents. So i've now decided on the blue-bi (or bi-blue) cute fluffy house bound bundle of joy! Kev is still pondering and has not given me the firm 'yes' lets adopt a new family member. He is worried that i will love the fluff more than him. What tosh! They will be equals until Kev does something to annoy me, only then will me and my fluff saunter off and 'huff' him. It will be nice to have company during these (very rare) periods of huff because it can be a lonely form of communication. I have kept certain facts of the ragdoll out of conversation. They cost between £350-£400 which is a small price to pay when you consider how much Madonna payed for her child, and i would consider fluff my 'bairn'. I need to clarify that fluff is just a temporary name, a real name will come to me the first time i hold her in my arms with her pale blue eyes staring back at me...I will adopt a female cat, i've had men before and they are just too much work. Constantly coming home drunk, never putting the dishes away and piddling on the floor after missing the litter tray really is the final straw! I apologise for deviating from your Burger King post, but quite honestly i'm not too fussed on fast food. Pizza, curry and chinese and home made burgers on ciabatta with melted mozerella is a language i understand. I just can't get away with these 'grot' places. I did however have a sausage and egg McMuffin on the way to York last week and i did enjoy that, although we chose the drive through method of purchase so we could avoid the chavs having their early morning breakfast before their planned day of twoc and hash.
Anyhoo time to get some lunch before i hit phase 2 on this evaluation.
For the record Mark, we need to email our proposed interview to David by tuesday. Roots and shoots number is 01915294496 and their web is www.rootsandshoots.uk.net
I have also been instructed to tell you that there is a news quiz on Tuesday and a copy editing exercise on thursday. Job done.
P.S the time on your blog is wrong, i most certainly did not post this at 8.45am.
Thanks for all that.
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